The access and navigation on this website attributes to the navigator the condition of user, which implies the express and complete acceptance of each and every one of these general conditions, including the Privacy and Cookies Policies, related to the purposes and treatments of the data provided to us. Please, we recommend that you read this information carefully every time you access the website, as these conditions may undergo modifications.
The purpose of these general conditions is to regulate the use that users can make of the website, which is currently hosted at the following URL: [ /].
I. General information
In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the identification data of the owner of this website are indicated below:
* Name: PONDERA GLOBAL FOUNDATION (in constitution), hereinafter “Pondera Foundation”
* TIN: G-88238332
* Address: Calle de Serrano Anguita, 13. 28004 Madrid.
* Contact:
* Phone: +34 91 196 34 79
II. Conditions of access and use of this website
The access and use of the website is free for users and does not generally require prior registration for browsing and viewing the content provided on the website. However, the access and use of certain functionalities offered on the website requires the provision of certain personal data, through the formalization by the user of the forms provided therein and the prior acceptance of the Privacy Policy.
Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users, and implies accepting and knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein. Fundación Pondera may unilaterally modify the terms and conditions of use of this website by publishing them in this Legal Notice, and they will take effect from the moment they are published.
The user undertakes to make lawful use of the website and its services and functionalities in accordance with these terms and conditions of use and current legislation. The user will be liable to Fundación Pondera or to third parties for any damage that may be caused as a result of breach of this obligation.
To this effect, the user shall refrain from using any of the contents of the website for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in this Legal Notice, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or that in any way may damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the web, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer (hacking) of the foundation, of other users or any Internet user (hardware and software).
In particular, and merely indicative and not exhaustive, the user undertakes not to copy, transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound files and/or image files, photographs, recordings or software of the web page.
In the case of the web page to enable the introduction of comments, Foundation Weighted reserves the right to withdraw all those comments that are contrary to law, public order, or that violate respect for the dignity of the person, which are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, offensive against the public order or security or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication. In any case, Fundación Pondera will not be responsible for the contents or the opinions expressed by users through the enabling of comments or other participation tools.
III. Intellectual and industrial property
The design of this web page and its source code, as well as the information or elements contained therein (including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, among others), and logos, brands or other distinctive signs, are protected by intellectual property rights or industrial, of which the Foundation Weighted owns or holds the authorization for the exploitation of the same by the legitimate owners.
No material published on this website may be the object of exploitation, distribution, modification, public communication, transfer or transformation, unless there is express written authorization from the Pondera Foundation.
IV. Hyper
The website may, where appropriate, incorporate access links (hyperlinks or links) to other websites, applications or social networks, of which Fundación Pondera is not the owner. In no case will this possibility imply the existence of a relationship between Fundación Pondera and the owner of the website to which said hyperlink redirects, not even its approval or acceptance. Fundación Pondera will also not be responsible for the legality, quality, updating, veracity or availability of the linked contents. Fundación Pondera will remove any link as soon as it becomes aware by any means of the illegality of its content or that goods or rights of a third party are injured from them.
Any other website will be prohibited the incorporation of a hyperlink to the Pondera Foundation website, without its express authorization. In any case, said authorization will imply that the hyperlink is not made in a way that harms the public and brand image of the Pondera Foundation, as well as of the third parties that appear referenced in it.
V. Exclusion of liability
The Foundation Weighs not guarantee continuous access or the correct visualization, download or utility of the elements and information contained on the website, which may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control or which are beyond its control, or those which are produced by the existence of computer viruses on the Internet.
The Pondera Foundation assumes no responsibility for damages, losses, claims or expenses, caused by:
* Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, delays, blockages or disconnections, caused by errors in the telecommunications lines and networks or by any other cause beyond the control of the Pondera Foundation.
* Illegitimate intrusions through the use of malicious programs of any kind and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any others.
* Improper or inappropriate use of the website.
* Security or navigation errors caused by a malfunction of the browser or by the use of non-updated versions.
SEE. Applicable legislation
The terms and conditions governing the website and all relationships that may arise are safeguarded by Spanish legislation.
In the event of a dispute that may arise from the interpretation or compliance with this Legal Notice and access or use of the website, you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain).